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H mart 식료품 가격이 폭등
2020-03-07, 11:21:55   gonzaleswater 추천수 : 278  |  조회수 : 10409
IP : 96.XXXX.128.254
 플러스 광고
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2022.07.27, 00:51:30
!!! 세계 최초 1:1 대응번역에 성공한 !!!

[박경호헬라어번역성경 로마서]
IP : 49.xxx.108.235
2020.03.25, 20:28:00
제 생각이지만 정가에 팔면 사재기하는 사람들때문에 문제일수도 있어요.. 물건이 동나서
IP : 209.xxx.147.57
Alethes Sophia
2020.03.22, 13:07:08
obviously, HMART has not yet experienced street riots and they are idiot buffoons. this is EXACTLY how you create hate and animosity in a community towards your business. if there's a fire, NOBODY will help you put it out, HMART, because you're such a huge a-hole.

die, you leech. YOU'RE the virus in the community, if you're taking advantage of people in times like these, just for the sake of profit.
IP : 173.xxx.98.209
Alethes Sophia
2020.03.22, 13:02:50
unfortunately, price-gouging is not illegal in MA, even though it is generally illegal in lots of other states (eg, CA). Here is the info:

However, you can go to this link and find a link on that page which takes you a mass.gov website page so that you can file a complaint/grievance about price-gouging practices during this crisis:

If you file a complaint, and there's lots of complaints, maybe MA will create a law about price-gouging in the future.

The direct link to the mass.gov website is here: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/file-a-consumer-complaint

Be aware that ANYTHING you write/submit to the mass.gov website (usually including your personal information) will be "considered a public record in its entirety", so use caution when filling out this form. But know that you have channels to express your concerns/complaints/grievances about businesses and their practices.

1. Go to the mass.gov page, and click on the button to file a complaint.
2. In the section titled "About your issue", select 'other' and choose "Retail Sale, Return or Warranty Problem" from the drop-down menu.
3. In the next section titled "Complaint Against", type in the business-name (eg, HMART), and their street address. You can find the address/location online, probably.
4. In the next section titled 'Complaint Detail', choose "seeking assistance for myself" from the drop-down menu, and write about your complaint in english. Use the term "price-gouging" so that they know what you're talking about, and mention specific products and exact prices. DO NOT INCLUDE personal information like your credit card # or anything like that. It's not necessary.
5. Underneath that large comment box, but in the same section, choose "I want the AGO to know about this issue, but do NOT need a response." from the drop-down menu (or whatever you want to choose).
6. If you told someone at HMART, like employee or manager, about the price-gouging, then you can check off "I complained directly to the business or entity" from the list of check-boxes. But if you do, then you have to give the employee/manager's name that you spoke to.
7. In the next section, you'll be asked for your personal contact information. It's required. Email isn't required, but your address and phone is required (so that they can contact you and verify that it's not a spurious or unfounded-malicious complaint).
8. In the last section where it says "Signature", you type in your name as a signature and click submit at the bottom of the page.

Again, be aware that anything you write/submit to the mass.gov website (usually including your personal information) will be "considered a public record in its entirety", so use caution when filling out this form. It's not a casual place to chat.

Here is their policy about what they do with the info you submit on their website:
"Disclosure of Your Complaint
(1) The information you have submitted may be provided to the entity or individual you are complaining about in order to resolve your complaint. We may also provide your complaint and related information to other law enforcement and regulatory agencies.

(2) Some data concerning your complaint may be publicly posted on the AGO website, including the name of the entity or individual you complained about, the date the complaint was filed, and the town or city where you live.

(3) In most circumstances, your complaint, including any associated correspondence and documentation, is considered a public record in its entirety. As such, it will be made available to any member of the public who makes a public records request to our Office. There are certain exceptions to this rule: If your complaint concerns goods or services provided by insurance, healthcare, or financial services providers, or concerns civil rights, we generally will not disclose your name, address, phone number, email address, or any other identifying information in response to such a request."
IP : 173.xxx.98.209
Hmart ripoff
2020.03.21, 20:03:08
10군대정도 크고작은 여러 그러서리스토어들 돌아봐도 다른곳들은 H-mart처럼 올리는 데가 없더라고요ㅠ 캠브리지 H mart는 안그래도 비싼데 코로나 뉴스 나오기 시작할 때부터 라면 값 슬슬 올리던데요? 여기서 누룩샀다가 살아있는 벌레투성이어서 식겁했는데 아무말도 안하고 슬쩍 환불해주더라고요ㅠㅠ 코로나로 커뮤니티를 도우질 못할망정 빌미로 이익보려고 작정을 한 것 같아요.
IP : 107.xxx.81.151
Alethes Sophia
2020.03.19, 08:43:54
@tgif: thanks for this message. this is a good message. it's a good thing that bostonkorea has ppl like you participating in it.
IP : 173.xxx.98.209
2020.03.18, 19:33:26
지금 현재 가격의 문제는 hmart의 문제가 아니라 유통의 문제라고 생각합니다. 유통업쪽으로 일하는 친구 말로는 현재 여러 회사에 물건이 없어서 물건을 오더하기도 힘들고 물건을 오더하더라도 지금 코로나 바이러스로 인해서 일하는 사람들이 일 할수 있는 상황에 대한 제한 때문에 물류비용이 높아지고 여러 복잡한 문제들이 발생하는 상황이라 가격에 영향을 미치고 있다고 합니다. 또 중국 우한이 바이러스가 퍼지기 시작할때부터 외국으로 부터 비행기와 배 물류 수송에 어려움을 많이 겪고 있답니다. Stop&Shop, Walmart, Costco, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's 등 여러 곳들 상황을 봐도 똑같이 모든 상품의 가격에 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 지금은 우리가 상황이 빨리 나아지길 기도하면서 기다리는 수 밖에 없을 듯 합니다ㅠㅠ 다들 힘내세요!!! Stay Safe!!!
IP : 108.xxx.102.163
Alethes Sophia
2020.03.17, 10:52:39
shameful shameful shameful.
if wolves eat sheep, are they the same species and family? no.
if vampires eat humans, are they the same species and family? no.
if politicians and/or business-people exploit and kill me, are they the same species and family? no.
if koreans exploit and kill me, are they the same species and family? no.
IP : 173.xxx.98.209
Alethes Sophia
2020.03.17, 10:49:28
it's called price-gouging, and it's an exploitative and shameful business practice. Hmart should be ashamed of itself. I would rather refuse to eat rice and boycott Hmart as a matter of principle, than to support people willing to do business in such a shady manner. i would even refuse to self-identify as "korean" to disown such a system of values and such a culture, except that I've already done that. these koreans, such as the ones at Hmart HQ, are precisely the people who, in the past, have killed me for being different and for not following their conventions. these are not my people. these are my enemies.
IP : 173.xxx.98.209
2020.03.10, 10:52:52
사재기 하시지 마세요. 꼭 필요한 만큼만 구입하세요. 이환란도 다 지나가게 되어 있답니다. 쌀이 품절되면 국수 삶아 먹으면 되고, 다른 대용식을 먹으면 됩니다. 너무 불안해하지 마세요.
IP : 96.xxx.64.117
2020.03.10, 01:18:31
뉴져지 Hmart나 한양마트에 쌀이 있긴 한데, 가장 작은 싸이즈면서 가격은 큰싸이즈 가격만 하네요.
그래서 아무도 안사더랍니다. 이렇게 올려버린 물가...나중에 바이러스 잡히면 내릴까요?
IP : 73.xxx.17.136
2020.03.09, 10:27:50
supply and demand. here in new york, you can not even buy rice at hmart. Be glad they still sell at your location.
IP : 72.xxx.40.50
2020.03.08, 15:01:25
쌀 더올라서 19.99라네요. MSRP라고는 하지만 이렇게 어려운 시기에 가격을 평소보다 두배 가까이 올리는 건 그렇게 좋은 모습은 아니라고 생각합니다.
IP : 144.xxx.59.186
2020.03.07, 13:45:42
H 마트 뿐 아니라 인터넷 및 다른 식료품점도 가격이 다 올랐습니다. 수요가 공급을 못따라가니... 지금 이 상황이 여기의 문제가 아니라 다른 주도 마찬가지입니다. 서부는 더 심하구요, 동부인 뉴욕 뉴저지 버지니아 등등 여러 곳에서 쌀이 없다고 뉴스에 많이 나왔습니다.
IP : 108.xxx.102.163
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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